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We offer speakerships, trainings, internships, and custom consultations to increase awareness about the environmental justice movement.

Bring the voices of environmental justice organizers, advocates, and educators to your event with our dynamic speakerships!


From introductory sessions to specialized lectures, our training and workshops offer a deeper understanding of the environmental justice movement. Whether you’re a teacher, activist, or concerned community member, these sessions inspire audiences with thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights that drive meaningful solutions for the climate movement.​

Our Speakership/Workshop Offerings... 

Building Equitable Food Systems for Justice

This workshop discusses the joint partnership between Start:Empowerment and The Connected Chef, actively working to transform students' mindsets towards food via project-based learning in urban agricultural practices and

food justice, as well as real-world exploration of small scale, farm-to-table, People-of-Color-led food access initiatives within New York State. 

Consider this workshop if you are a practitioner or a community member interested in topics of Food Justice, Food Systems, Food Ethics, Food Distribution, Cooking, Mutual Aid, and/or Urban Agriculture, Gardening, or Hydroponics. 

Students planting seeds a planter.

Book us to speak at your next event or university class!

Use our form to ask questions, request a pricing list, and/or book us to develop a workshop for you!

Start:Empowerment gave an excellent guest lecture in my course, introducing my students to issues of justice, food security, and climate change. They covered these complex topics clearly and passionately, engaging students with a wide range of existing familiarity with these topics. After class, my students were asking follow-up questions about the best ways they could get involved and requesting future lectures on environmental justice. I am so glad Start:Empowerment was able to give a guest lecture, and I will absolutely be inviting them back to speak to my students in the coming semesters!

Talbot Andrews, PhD

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science University of Connecticut

Talbot Andrews.

Hello, nice to meet you!

Which topic(s) are you interested in?

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If you'd like to work or partner with us, please reach out to us on


We’re currently accepting rolling applications for volunteers to join our team. For internship opportunities, we accept candidates through the NYC Summer Youth Employment Program provider network and various high school and university programs compensated via credit.

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